This experience begins with Hershel Fink.

Hershel Fink was the Jewish name given to a character in a play at the Royal Court. The character was based on Elon Musk and otherwise seems to have been an archetypical figure of the priveleged capitalist. Except, weirdly, the playwright gave him a very Jewish sounding name.

I found this indicative of a rather insidious sort of antisemitism. Even if it was unwitting - in fact, perhaps in a weird way, more dangerously so if it was unwitting. A kind of well meaning oops that tumbles a money grabbing capitalist into the body of a man with a Jewish name. What’s there to complain about? Nobody meant to do it. etc. etc.

It was curious to see the Royal Court clumsily fall over itself as it scrambled towards the right side of history. Somewhere that it normally assumes it its right place to be. Even its raison d’etre. Sucking Lemons were criticised for not doing their job - which they obviously did quite badly fail to do.